My main areas of interest include surgical robotics, robotic simulation, AI applications in robot, autonomous control.
01/2019 – 01/2023
Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering
National University of Singapore, Singapore
CAP: 4.70/5.0
09/2014 – 06/2018
B.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering
Wuhan University, China
GPA: 3.75/4.0 Ranking: 3/148
Honors & Awards
06/2023 Bronze Award in 9th Hong Kong University Student Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition
04/2023 Silver Award in 2023 Inventions Geneva
11/2021 Silver Award in EMEDIC GLOBAL 2021 (Project: Skullbot, Teamleader)
11/2021 Best presentation in EMEDIC GLOBAL 2021 (Project: Skullbot, Teamleader)
09/2018 Excellent Graduate Thesis of Wuhan University
05/2018 Excellent Graduate of Wuhan University
Acadamic service
Journal: IEEE TII/RAL/TASE/Access, Sensor, Journal of Robotics, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, Biomimetic Intelligence and Robotics
Conference: ICRA2021-24, IROS2021-24, BioRob2024, ROBIO, ICRAM