- [10/2023] A paper accepted by GIE
- [09/2023] A paper accepted by IJRR
- [09/2023] A paper accepted by IEEE TIE
- [07/2023] Pass PhD oral defense
- [05/2023] A paper accepted by IEEE JBHI
- [03/2023] Pass the final examination of National project in Qilu hospital, Jinan: Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgical Robot
- [01/2023] A paper accepted by IEEE TII
- [10/2022] Presenter for one paper in IROS2022
- [08/2022] A paper accepted by IEEE T-ASE
- [08/2022] Pass the self-examination of National project in Qilu hospital, Jinan: Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgical Robot
- [07/2022] A paper accpected by Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy
- [06/2022] A paper accepted by IROS 2022
- [05/2022] A workshop paper accepted by ICRA 2022